Monday, April 17, 2006

Daddy Media

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, there's been a mini-explosion in dad stories around the country. We're not far from the pre-Father's Day lull, in which the media stops printing stories about fathers, instead holding them and publishing them all on fathers day. So enjoy the final deluge:

I got a kick out the placement of this article from the St. Petersburg Times, which appeared in the business section. It shows, too -- there are discussions of the impact of new technologies on the ability to stay closer to home and mentions ways that dads can stay home without torpedoing their career. Bonus points for liberally quoting Peter Baylies and for mentioning the Gen X trend.

This piece in has a nice, standard at-home dad profile of a some stay-at-home dads. Perhaps most significant is the last lines of the piece, where the gentlemen profile admit that there's been little pushback regarding their decision. The times, they are a'changing. (And remember, the Milwaukee group has a pin on the group/playgroup map. Do you?)

For a slightly more defensive take on things, there's this first-person take from the Detroit News. And I was warmed inside by this piece from a Boston-area paper on a program called Dads are Great, which provides dads and children some structured time to interact. Any program dedicated to helping dads spend more time with their kids is good by me, and it's nice to see this one get some ink.


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