Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winning the War Over 'Daddy Wars'

There's a great USA Today story from yesterday on the new working dad and his desire to spend more time with the family. Well worth the read for that reason alone.

But -- also importantly -- USA Today uses the term "daddy wars" correctly. As some of you know, I've been waging a years-long battle to define "daddy wars" as:
The growing conflict between parents -- primarily fathers -- and their employers over flexible and varied work options that allow for more precise work-life balance. This conflict will be fueled by an increasing awareness that knowledge workers, with access to modern technology, are no longer bound by traditional working standards. More and more workers -- able to work at any time from anywhere -- will seek arrangements that allow them to maximize family time. But it won't solely be the always-on crowd that is fighting. As more and more men seek to make parenthood a central part of their life, fathers of all stripes will ask for innovate workplace solutions. (rebeldad.com, March 21, 2006)
This arose out of my frustration with the phrase "mommy wars," which pits go-to-work mom against at-home mom in a conflict that does not actually exist. I didn't want the phrase "daddy wars" to set up the same conflict in folks with a Y chromosome. So I'm thrilled to hear USA Today say that ...
As dads demand paternity leave, flexible work schedules, telecommuting and other new benefits, they've ignited what workplace specialists are calling the Daddy Wars.
Remember, you heard it hear first.

(As an additional plug, daddywars.com redirects to athomedad.org, which is a darn fine SAHD community site.)


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