Back in the saddle after the holiday. I am staying at my in-laws for the rest of the week, so though posting will happen, it may be sporadic. I'm in Omaha, and I hope to plug into the wonderful Nebraska at-home dad network to help pass the time ...
Just a couple of quick items. Conventioneer Caleb sent along this link to a Contra Costa Times story (reg. required) about Survivor contestant Chad, who is now doing the at-home dad duty. It's a cute story, and Caleb wants to grab Chad for the convention next year. Sounds like fun.
Finally, the Boston Globe published this story about how staying home is the new status symbol ... for women. There is probably plenty to think about and debate there (I don't think the story gets the numbers quite right in painting at-home moms as an upper-class thing), but given that this site is dedicated mostly to kvetching, let me point out the one point where at-home dads come up:
Just a couple of quick items. Conventioneer Caleb sent along this link to a Contra Costa Times story (reg. required) about Survivor contestant Chad, who is now doing the at-home dad duty. It's a cute story, and Caleb wants to grab Chad for the convention next year. Sounds like fun.
Finally, the Boston Globe published this story about how staying home is the new status symbol ... for women. There is probably plenty to think about and debate there (I don't think the story gets the numbers quite right in painting at-home moms as an upper-class thing), but given that this site is dedicated mostly to kvetching, let me point out the one point where at-home dads come up:
Only 98,000 men are stay-at-home fathers, according to the census. Most of them say they are out of the labor force because they cannot find work.This is, of course, wrong. These men are out of the labor force explicitly to care for family. On this, the Census folks are pretty clear. So I'm a bit disappointed that a) the lowball at-home dad number was used and b) we're further dismissed as guys who are persistently unemployable, rather than men who have made the same reasoned choice that the moms in the story talk about.
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