Thanks also to Ben over at Trixie Update, who had all kinds of national media fawning (appropriately) over the site. First, MSNBC featured the site, and then he was mentioned -- along with just about every other kidblogger of note -- in a New York Times story that has since been discussed by pretty much everyone else in the blogosphere. At any rate, the number of Trixie visitors that have found there way over here is not insignificant, and I thank you all for clicking through.
Finally, thank you Alessandro for helping me understand why, suddenly, zillions of Italians were suddenly visiting. Apparently, Corriere della Sera mentions the site. So ... any reader who can get me an original copy of that Corriere della Sera piece will receive a shirt or hat. Drop me a line at for more information about how to get it to me.
I have accumulated a huge pile of stuff to blog on this week, and stay tuned for Rebel Dad Radio next weekend.